Tips for Recognizing racial micro-agressions
1. Understand what microaggressions are - They are brief, everyday verbal, behavioral, or environmental slights or insults that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target individuals based on their marginalized group membership.
2. Be aware of common microaggression themes:
- Alien in own land (e.g. asking someone where they are really from)
- Colorblindness (e.g. statements denying racial experiences)
- Myth of meritocracy (e.g. statements implying race doesn't play a role in life successes)
- Denial of racial reality (e.g. statements suggesting race has no influence)
3. Notice when assumptions or stereotypes are being applied based on race, such as assuming someone's intellect, status, or background.
4. Pay attention to subtle insults disguised as compliments, such as "You speak excellent English" to someone who is a native speaker.
5. Be mindful of nonverbal interactions that convey rudeness, disrespect or different treatment based on race.
6. Consider the impact more than the intent behind comments or actions. Even if unintentional, microaggressions can carry sting.
The key is increasing awareness of subtle but offensive mechanisms where racial biases and stereotypes are embedded into everyday behavior and commentary. Being able to identify microaggressions is the first step to addressing them.