5 Things To Let Go So You Can Live As Your Best Self

What does your best life look like? I may not know the specifics but I am guessing that it has something to do with achieving joy, peace, ease, personal fulfillment, financial stability, stable relationships, good health, growth and a work-life balance. Most of us are more alike than we are different and our versions of success revolve around the same things.


I want you to live your best life because I know that it’s possible. No dream of who you envision becoming is too far-fetched. However, there are some things you need to leave behind so that you’re not slowing down on your journey to success. I acknowledge that letting go is tough but it’s also necessary for growth and progress. So, if you're ready to embrace the beauty of a simpler, lighter and more intentional life, keep reading.


Let go:

1. Seeking the approval of others. When you constantly seek validation from others, you're giving away your power and allowing them to control your thoughts and emotions. There are some instances where you need the reassurance of others but don’t always rely on it to live in your truth, make decisions, form opinions or explore ideas. Not hanging on to other people’s validation can lead to greater authenticity and self-expression as you'll no longer feel the need to conform to their expectations or opinions. You'll also start attracting people who appreciate and support you for who you are rather than those who only value you based on their approval.


2. The need for absolute certainty. You may feel like you need certainty in your life to feel safe and secure. However, the truth is that life is unpredictable, and there are no guarantees. When you let go of the need for certainty, you open yourself up to new experiences and possibilities. You become more adaptable and able to handle unexpected situations. You may discover new passions, interests, and even career paths that you never would have considered if you had stuck to your original plan. Life becomes more exciting and full of surprises rather than feeling like a predictable routine. It can be scary to let go of control but it can also be incredibly liberating and empowering. Try to embrace the uncertainty of life and see where it takes you.


3. Old stories about yourself. You might have certain stories about yourself that you've held onto for a long time. Maybe you believe that you're not good enough or that you're not capable of achieving your goals. These stories may have developed as a result of past experiences or messages from others but they no longer serve you. In fact, they may be holding you back from living the life you truly want. When you let go of old stories about yourself, you free yourself from limiting beliefs and self-doubt. You're able to see yourself in a new light. You may discover that you're capable of achieving things you never thought possible or that you have strengths and talents you never knew you had.


4. Staying productive all the time. You might feel like you need to be productive all the time to be successful or to feel like you're making progress in your life. You may have a long to-do list that never seems to get shorter or feel guilty when you take a break from work or other responsibilities. However, constantly focusing on productivity can be detrimental to your well-being. When you let go of the need to be productive all the time, you give yourself permission to rest and recharge. You're able to enjoy moments of relaxation and leisure without feeling guilty or like you should be doing something else. This can help reduce stress and prevent burnout allowing you to approach your work and other responsibilities with greater focus and energy when you return to them. Give yourself permission to rest and take breaks when you need them, and prioritize what truly matters to you. By doing so, you may find that you're able to be more productive and successful in the long run.


5. Perfectionism. You might have high expectations for yourself and believe that anything less than perfect is a failure. You may spend a lot of time trying to perfect your work, appearance or relationships and become anxious or frustrated when things don't go as planned. However, being a perfectionist can hold you back from reaching your full potential and enjoying life to the fullest. When you let go of perfectionism, you give yourself permission to make mistakes and learn from them. You're able to take risks and try new things without fear of failure or judgment. This can help increase your creativity and innovation and lead to greater personal growth and fulfillment. Embrace imperfection, take risks and be kind and compassionate toward yourself.


As I mentioned earlier, letting go is not easy. I can’t just tell you to let go and it will magically happen. It takes a lot of inner healing work because these behaviors are things we’ve learned along the way and they may be a part of our belief system. Therapy is always the right place to start with exploring the issues you need to let go of. Remember that it may seem impossible to let go at first but with time and effort, you will slowly start to shed off dead weight. Email me at info@langniappetherapy.com  or call us at 917 566 - 5628 for your consultation call.


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