Anxiety, Depression and PTSD Therapy

Anxiety, Depression and PTSD Therapy with langniappe therapy

Anxiety Therapy

Therapy for Anxiety disorders

They may appear suddenly, seemingly out of the blue or they can be a direct response to one or more stressors. Panic attacks are not an unusual feature of these types of disorders. They can also be a result of past or recent trauma. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can cause anxiety symptoms. Social anxiety and separation anxiety are also categorized as anxiety disorders.

Acute anxiety may feel like nervousness, accompanied by racing thoughts or chronic worry. You may be unable to sleep or rest very well, which will lead to fatigue and exhaustion. Your breathing may be shallow. Constant, chronic anxiety may lead to panic attacks, especially during stressful times. Panic attacks can be frightening because you will feel your heart pounding and your chest tightening. You will find it difficult to breathe at these times and notice sweating or clamminess on you hands. You can decide to treat your anxiety with medication or with therapy. Like depression, this depends on severity. You may also choose to use combination of both as this is often the best choice.

 Depression and Anxiety

You can have anxiety and depression at the same time. You may have moments or days when depressive feelings are dominant. On other days you may feel mostly anxious. Sometimes the symptoms of anxiety and depression overlap. Either way you will want to seek help. Even if you don’t feel this way every day, you may still benefit from online therapy for anxiety.

We offer online anxiety help, so reach out to us today,  by clicking the button below to request a free 15min consultation.

Anxiety, Depression and PTSD Therapy with langniappe therapy

Depression Therapy


Some people are not depressed all of the time or they may not seem depressed in certain situations. If you are depressed, you are probably having feelings of guilt or worthlessness. You may find it difficult to concentrate, so your work may suffer. Your loss of energy and chronic feelings of fatigue, may cause you to think there to something physically wrong. Even the smallest task may seem overwhelming and you may find yourself crying for no reason. Don’t be surprised if you lose interest in the things you once enjoyed. You may have days when you feel okay and other days when everything feels effortful and you just can’t cope. Therapy for depression can help. if you find you have these symptoms or those below.

You may find yourself with irritability, insomnia or oversleeping. Loss of appetite or overeating may occur as well. Many people use medication to treat their depression. This does not necessarily mean that you will be on medication forever. If you choose to use medication to treat your depression, it’s a good idea to combine it with therapy. Some people choose not to use medication at all and will seek therapy and other interventions. The approach really depends on the severity of your depression as well as your preferences. We offer online therapy for depression.  Many people with depression find that they benefit by adding therapy for depression, to whatever treatment approach they are using.  Online therapy for depression is definitely an option.

For help with depression, please contact us below for a free 15 min consultation, so you can book your session.

Anxiety, Depression and PTSD Therapy with langniappe therapy


What is PTSD/CPTSD and Race Based Traumatic Stress/RBTS?

PTSD-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that develops after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Whether the trauma is from an accident, violence, or other life-threatening situations, PTSD can have long-lasting emotional effects.

PTSD symptoms include:

Intrusive thoughts: Unwanted memories, flashbacks, or nightmares that force you to relive the trauma. For example, someone who survived a car accident may vividly recall the event through sounds, images, or physical sensations.

Avoidance: Actively avoiding reminders of the trauma, such as places or conversations related to the event. People may also avoid emotional triggers by keeping busy or shutting down emotionally.

Hypervigilance: A heightened state of alertness, where individuals feel a constant sense of danger. This can cause difficulty relaxing, trouble sleeping, and a constant feeling of being "on edge."

Emotional overwhelm: Intense feelings of fear, anger, sadness, or guilt that feel difficult to control. Emotional overload can lead to irritability, outbursts, or hopelessness.

CPTSD-Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) is a condition that often stems from long-term, repeated trauma, especially during childhood. It can be harder to recognize than PTSD, as the trauma may be hidden behind what seemed like a "normal" upbringing. Many clients initially recall having a "great childhood," but as we explore deeper, unresolved stressors like neglect, abuse, or emotional deprivation surface.

CPTSD can arise from experiences like sexual or physical abuse, growing up with parents dealing with addiction or mental illness, unmet emotional needs, witnessing domestic violence, or enduring challenges like poverty, racism, homophobia, or incarceration. These are known as Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) or Adverse Life Events (ALEs) and can happen at any stage of life.

While CPTSD shares many symptoms with PTSD, there are 3 additional sets of symptoms:

  • Affect Dysregulation: Chronic trauma disrupts the nervous system, making it harder to regulate emotions, which may lead to irregular heart rate, blood pressure, or breathing.

  • Negative Self-Concept: Repeated trauma can create deep feelings of shame, guilt, and low self-worth, affecting how you see yourself.

  • Interpersonal Difficulties: Building healthy relationships becomes challenging, with fears of abandonment, betrayal, and struggles with trust

These symptoms can be deeply disturbing to an individuals in their life and cause concern in intimate and social relationships, as well as professional areas.

Race based traumatic stress (RBTS)

Race based traumatic stress is also similar. You may experience similar symptoms and it may become worse when something of a racial nature happens in the media or at your job. Many people experience racism on their jobs and in everyday encounters. Overtime it can build up and cause traumatic responses.

Many people do not even recognize their PTSD or C-PTSD symptoms. This is because you have lived with them for so long. For some, they seem like part of your personality. There are also those who chose to use medication to treat their symptoms. For some medication can play an important role for stabilizing mental health.

When you have PTSD or C-PTSD you may feel like you’ll never be normal again but that is not true. You are quite capable of recovering and healing from trauma, regardless of how long ago it was. You can eliminate your symptoms and acquire life skills that will improve your life. Though it may be difficult at first, overtime it will seem more possible.

Healing from trauma is a click away. Use the button below to schedule a free 15  min consultation for online trauma therapy.

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Consultation provides the opportunity to ask questions and determine whether this is the right therapist for you.